Our Founders

Agnes Cheng

Agnes Cheng – Agnes is a Malaysian born Chinese. With fluency in English, Malay, Cantonese, Teochew, hokkien and Mandarin Agnes has worked in various established hotel resorts in Malaka, Penang and Langkawi after completing her training in massage therapy. In 2007 Agnes moved to Singapore and joined the renowned St. Gregory Spa. Agnes has an inborn flair in healing by the touch. Her touch is particularly sensational as well as therapeutic. By way of communicating through fingers and palm she understanding and react to the every meticulous need and concern of her clients. For this reason she was recruited as the principal therapist by the Red Tantra Massage of Singapore when it started operating in 2008. In the following year She came to Hong Kong with Jason Ang and co-found Hong Kong Tantric Massage, a purely mobile, professional tantric massage service.


Jason AngJason Ang – Jason is Hong Kong Chinese but he spent most of his time in Singapore since moving there at the age of 24. Jason chose to work in massage because he experienced the benefits first-hand while he was an athlete. Jason has a great understanding of the body from this. He enjoys being able to help people work through pain and also educate them about their bodies. Jason received his training in massage in Singapore and Thailand and has been practicing massage therapy in various renowned therapeutic massage establishments for over 8 years including Republic Tantra in Singapore. With a strong believe that the principle and benefits of tantric massage will eventually be understood and accepted by many people in Hong Kong Jason set up this Hong Kong’s very first tantric massage service and is very grateful to have Anges and other highly experienced and dedicated local Hong Kong therapists joining him.